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Adding and editing products

Here's how you can add and edit products in Finqu.

Updated over a week ago

Adding a product

  1. Go to Products.

  2. Click Add Product.

  3. Fill in the product details and click Save.

Editing products

  1. Go to Products.

  2. Find the product and click on the product name.

  3. Edit the product details.

  4. Click Save.

Product details

The product page in Finqu admin contains several different fields for different purposes. It is not required to fill in all fields. Instead, it is useful to focus on the basic product information (name, description, product images, price) and the information that is relevant to your sales.

Below you will find a list of product information and tips for filling in the details.

Product name and description

It is always a good idea to think carefully about naming your product and what kind of description to write. A good name attracts the customer to look at the product, and a carefully written description will make a big difference in whether the customer buys the product.

A short description is a shorter version of the product description. Around 160 characters is a good length. Depending on your online store's theme, the short description may appear on the product page or in product groups and can also be used as metadata for third-party services such as Facebook.

A small red or green dot to the right of the name and a short description indicates whether the text is the recommended length. The recommendations are based on Google's recommendations for website titles and metadata.

Product images and videos

In the Media section of the product page, you could add product images and, if you wish, videos. Product images can be added by dragging and dropping or clicking on the Add link. Videos can be added by clicking on the Add link.

Once you have added the images, you can drag and drop them to arrange them in your desired order. It is a good idea to put the most representative image first, as it will also appear in the product listings in the online store.

Finqu will automatically process the image sizes to fit the areas allocated to them (e.g., product page and product listings). Finqu will also optimize the images, reducing the loading time in the customer's browser.

Despite image automation, paying attention to image size is always a good idea. They should be large enough, such as 1920 x 1080 pixels (Full HD resolution). When you use larger images, they will look sharp on customers' devices if the customer enlarges the image in the store. But there's no need to overdo it with image sizes. The maximum image size a Finqu online store can display is 4096 x 2160 pixels (4K quality). Larger images are automatically reduced to these maximum dimensions.

Setting the price

You can set both a selling and a purchase price for a product. You can either set the selling price as a fixed price or use price margin, in which case the software automatically calculates the selling price based on the purchase price. By default, the pricing method is fixed. The pricing method can be changed from the Settings section, and it's only possible when creating new products or copying existing ones.

If you have multiple sales channels (e.g., online and in-store) and the product price varies in different channels, turn on the Use different price in different sales channels option before saving the price. The price will then only be saved for that particular sales channel.


You can set various discounts for the product by clicking the Add discount -link from the Pricing section of the product.

  • In the Fixed discount section, you can enter a discount percentage not limited by date or other factors. A fixed discount is valid until it's removed.

  • In the Targeted discount section, you can set a discount with restrictions such as date or customer group.

  • In the Bulk rate section, you can set quantity-based discounts.

Please note that discounts can also be added to multiple products simultaneously (e.g., specific product groups) using Product Discount.

Options / Product Variations

In the Options section, you can define different options for a product, such as:

  • Color (blue, red, green, etc.)

  • Size (S, M, L, XL, etc.)

Based on the options you create, the system generates various variations of the product, such as:

  • Blue - S

  • Blue - M

  • Blue - L

  • Red - S

  • Red - M

  • etc...

Once you have added variations and saved the product, you can edit each variation's details separately. You can set individual product images, stock levels, and EAN codes for different variations. For more information on product variations, you can read the Variations article.

Online Store

In the Online store section, you can set information on products that can help with search engines. You can read more about this in the Products' search engine optimization article.

From the online store section, you can also choose a custom page template for the product if you have created a different page template for some of the products through the theme's source code.

Product reviews

You can see product reviews written by your customers in the Product reviews section. For more information, see the Product Reviews article.


From the Status menu, you can change the status of the product. The status is Published by default, but you can change it to Hidden or Preview if you wish.

Preview means the product is visible in the online store but cannot be purchased. This is useful, for example, with more expensive products where the customer cannot buy the product directly from the online store but has to contact you separately about features, prices, and delivery.


In the Grouping section, you can choose a product group for the product and set the product class, manufacturer and supplier. You can also add tags for the product from the + sign in the Grouping section.


From the Attributes section, you can select attributes for the product based on the product class you have chosen in the product's grouping section. By selecting attributes, you can improve the product's discoverability.


Under the Attachments section, you can attach files to your product, such as user manuals or brochures. The customer can then download these files via the product page in the online store.


Cross-selling lets you link products together, making it easier for customers to find the right product in the online store. There are three different types of cross-selling:

  • A related product is a product that is strongly associated with the product being sold. It could be a product that customers often buy at the same time.

  • A similar product is a similar product that the customer might also be interested in, such as another smartphone with almost identical specifications.

  • A compatible product is a product that is compatible in some way with the product being sold. For example, it could be a charger that is compatible with a smartphone.

  • From the Combined listing section, you can combine products together, such as products with different colours.

Linking in Both Directions

It is often asked whether products can be connected simultaneously in both directions. That is, if a connection is added to product A, it would automatically appear in product B. The connection works automatically in some cross-selling functions, but in others, both products must be connected separately. It works as follows:

  • The connection in both directions works automatically in the following:

    • Related Products

    • Combined Products

  • The following should be manually connected through both products:

    • Similar Products

    • Compatible Products


In the Restrictions section, you can restrict the visibility/purchasability of a product as follows:

  • Countries where the product is not available menu allows you to select the countries where the product is not sold. The online shop automatically hides the product if the customer is from a restricted country.

  • Customer groups where the product is not available menu allows you to exclude the product from certain customer groups. Note that it will also exclude customers who are not logged in to the online shop.

Custom fields

In the Custom fields section, you can set custom data fields for your products that are not available in Finqu by default.


The Notes section allows you to write notes on products. These will be displayed in the product list in Finqu admin, where they will be easier to find later. Notes are not visible to your customers in the online store.


From the Inventory section, you can edit the following details related to the product's inventory location:

  • Stock amount

  • Barcode (gtin, ean, isbn, etc.)

  • Product Identifier (model number, etc.)

  • Unit (pcs, m, l, etc.).

By selecting "Product tracks inventory", you will see fields where you can enter the product's inventory balance, SKU (stock keeping unit), shelf location, and inventory alert threshold. Not all of this information is mandatory. For example, you can enter just the product's inventory value if you wish.

The "Hide when stock balance runs out" option hides the product in the online store when it's no longer in stock.

With the "Limit sales quantities" option, you can optionally limit how many units a customer can buy in one order.


From the Customizations section, you can customize the product with various options, such as a dropdown menu or text field. You can read more about customizations in the Customizations article.


From the Shipping section, you can set delivery-related information for your product, such as weight and dimensions. Part of the information in the delivery section is related to the dynamic pricing of delivery costs (guide). If you are not using dynamic shipping pricing, you do not need to make all the selections in the Shipping section. Of course, it is always good to enter the product's weight and dimensions if they are available.

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