Product review settings
You can edit the product review settings in section Online Store > Settings > Products. There's a Products section where you can choose how product reviews work in your online store. You can choose from these three options:
Disabled (visitors cannot leave reviews)
Allowed (visitors can leave reviews, which will be published automatically).
Moderated (visitors can leave reviews, and you can choose which ones are published)
If you choose Allowed or Moderated above, you can also decide who can post reviews:
every visitor to your site,
visitors who have bought your product,
registered users on your site,
registered visitors who have purchased the product.
Notification about new reviews
With reviews enabled, you can receive a notification whenever someone has left a review. You need to set the Product Review notification as active in your notification settings to receive a notification.
Managing reviews on the product page
On the product page in Finqu's admin, you will find a Product Reviews section where you can manage reviews. You can accept or hide a review. Or, if necessary, you can delete the review by clicking on the ๐๏ธ icon.