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Online store settings

Online store's settings let you adjust how your online store functions.

Updated over a week ago

Where are the online store settings?

You can find your online store's settings by going to Online Store > Settings.


  • In the Domain section, you can manage your online store's domain.

  • In the Status section, you can publish or close your online store.

  • In the Password protected section, you can set a password for your website (if your online store is still closed and you want someone from outside to see it).


  • In the Products section, you can control some settings that affect how your products are displayed. Similar settings can also be found in your online store's theme and product details.

    • In the Time, until which a product will be shown as new field, you can specify how long the product will be displayed as new in your online store.

    • In the Product group products sort order menu, you can select the default order of products in product groups.

    • In the Product reviews menu, you can choose how the product review function works in your online shop.

  • Under Discounts in product options, you can choose whether product discounts apply to product options (e.g. color or size).

  • In the Inventory section, you can choose which stock the sales channel uses.

  • Under Product Groups, you can choose whether the sales channel uses all product groups or only selected ones (see Choosing product groups in sales channels). This may be necessary if you have multiple sales channels.


  • In Checkout section you can edit your online store's checkout page's settings.

  • Prints and Messages allow you to edit your e-commerce messages and printouts.

  • Customer Accounts allows you to choose whether the customer account features (registration/login) are enabled in your store.

  • From the Customer Groups section, you can select which customer groups are enabled for the sales channel.


  • In the Localization section, you can choose which countries, languages, and currencies are used in the sales channel.


  • From the Meta and Google sections, you can add the Meta pixel as well as Google Analytics to your online store.

  • In the Privacy section, you can edit the customer-related functions:

    • The Enable analytics switch allows your online store to collect data from visitors. This should be enabled if you use Finqu Analytics. If you want to use this option, you must enable the Cookie Policy menu to select how the webshop asks customers about cookies.

    • In the Cookie policy menu, you can choose the cookie policy for your online store.

    • Under Session expiration, you can specify the length of the session, i.e., how long, for example, products are kept in the customer's shopping cart.


  • The Blog option allows you to choose which blog your online store uses (if you have several online stores with different blogs).

  • In the Google reCaptcha fields, you can set Google recaptcha API keys.

  • In the Cache section, you can enable caching. Using cache can speed up your pages.

  • In Static pages, you can add static HTML files to the online store. This is commonly used for verifying the ownership of the site to Google or Meta.

  • In the Redirects section, you can add redirects.

  • You can add snippets to your online store (custom javascript, CSS codes, or metadata) in the Snippets section.

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