Setting delivery costs
Click on the Settings link on the delivery method.
On the settings page, there is a Pricing section where the prices can be set.
More information on the different pricing options is below.
Normal pricing
If you choose to price your delivery charges normally, you can set the delivery charge and its VAT percentage in the fields displayed on the page.
If you want the price to vary according to, for example, the weight or total amount of the order, you can also select Add multiple prices.
A field will then appear on the page where you can choose what the prices are based on (e.g., kg, pcs...).
The Add Row button allows you to add multiple prices, e.g., for shipments of different weights. Each line has fields where you can set, for example, the starting weight and the price for that.
Dynamic pricing
Dynamic pricing is a more versatile way to set shipping costs. It is based on the dimensions of the products. The system calculates how the products can be packaged and determines the customer's delivery cost based on the information you enter.
Guide: Using dynamic shipping costs