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Setting up Google reCaptcha

Google reCaptcha prevents malicious bots from using your online store's contact or registration forms.

Updated over a week ago

What is Google reCaptcha?

Google reCaptcha is a service that ensures that the user of a website is a human. This will prevent harmful bots (computer programs) on the web from taking advantage of the online store's registration and contact forms. More information about reCaptcha can be found at

How to start using Google reCaptcha

  1. Click Admin Console.

  2. Log in to your Google account (if you still need to log in).

  3. Enter the name of the online store into the Label field.

  4. Next, you can select the reCAPTCHA version.

    1. If you are using Boutique, Stockholm, Milan, or Bella theme, choose reCAPTCHA v2 and Invisible reCAPTCHA.

    2. If you use any other theme, select reCAPTCHA v3.

  5. Enter the Internet address of your online store in the Domains section.

  6. Accept the reCAPTCHA Terms and Conditions.

  7. Click Submit.

Adding reCaptcha to your online store

  1. Once you have configured reCaptcha, you will be redirected to a page where you can see your reCaptcha keys (Site Key / Secret Key).

  2. In the Finqu management, go to Online Store > Settings > Other.

  3. Copy your Google ReCaptcha credentials to the Google reCAPTCHA section.

  4. Click Save.

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